Class Re-Registration


The Re-Registration process allows for a single payment checkout point. Please follow the guide below whether booking a single class for one child, multiple classes for one child or a mix of classes for more than one child.

For Registration for one or more students for single or additional classes- please complete a re-registration payment form for each individual student and for each individual class selected and add them individually to the cart using the Add Cart” button and then click “View Cart” at the top of this page to complete your payment.

Please note that if you wish to change details below during the selection of Location, Class/Grade, Days and Class times options  -please ensure you click “Clear” beneath this section to allow you enter new information.


Class you wish to register for

(View Class Timetables and Fees here)

Please note: If selections below are prefilled – click the “Clear” button below these to allow you enter new information…..


Parents Consent
In consenting to these conditions – your consent is either as a parent/guardian registering a child/children for any of our classes
Adults Consent
As an adult registering on your own behalf for any of our classes.

Terms & Conditions
I have read and confirm my acceptance of the terms and conditions.

Zoom Classes
I have read and confirm my acceptance of the Zoom terms and conditions.

Consent by ticking this checkbox *